Iglesia de Coquí
Coquí, Chocó, Colombia
Coquí, Chocó, Colombia
religion & memorial
under construction
30 December 2022
The Coqui’s Church Project is an initiative from the community to improve the actual conditions of one of the most important buildings in town because it has been a place where the Coquiseños can practice their customs guided by traditional spritiual chants called ‘alabaos’. Therefore, the Coqui’s church has helped to weave the territory where the natives stand as a relevant place of the Golfo de Tribugá.
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The Coquí’s Church project started from a 5 year research focused on the Colombian pacific coast by the seminar “Tides and Mangroves” held by the faculty of architecture of the Universidad de los Andes. From there arises an investigative repository that reflects on the different “sentipensares” of the Pacific focused on the recognition of the being-doing and knowing of Arturo Escobar.

Therefore, the seminar helped to create new relationships with the community of Coquí which, thanks to the documentation collected to date, revealed the importance of some rituals accompanied by traditional chants  from Chocó as a sign of resistance and memory.

Commonly this great gathering guided by songs and traditional ceremonies takes place in the church of the corregimiento. There, the women meet up to sing and accompany the souls that leave and the lives that remain. However, the conditions of the church does not allow to carry out ceremonies. This is the case of the Virgen del Carmen celebration that could not have the reception in Coquí due to the current state of the church.

Based on these conditions, it is decided to carry out the reconstruction of the chapel with the community, taking into account a participatory approach where the community is the project leader who decides the materials, labor, time and budget they wish to execute.
Virgen del Carmen Ceremony

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
The project seeks a social impact in the community by building the space that allows Coquiseños to develop their spiritual activities deeply rooted in black culture, therefore, the church is a place where they can continue prolonging this ancestral knowledge. 

On the other hand, the church can become a site of tourist interest as it is a benchmark for the participatory process and self-managed initiative of the Coquí community, since it can become a place where it can host important festivities throughout the year.

Finally, the project looks to strengthen the resilience and ties between the inhabitants of Coquí as it is a project that provided agency to the community to develop a public infrastructure project where they lead the cost and procurement management through and autonomous administration of the resources for the construction of the Church.
Core team
The core team is divided in 3 groups. 


Construction leaders: Aster and Smith. Both have an extensive knowledge of the local construction techniques and the supply chain of the pacific coast as the only way to get construction materials is by boat. This know how helps to obtain good prices for the materials and the construction process.

Project Leader: Carmen and Cindy Lida. Both are the community leaders, they have been working on the crowdfunding and the management of the roles in the community. 

Casa Múcura

Is a nonprofit organization that promote initiatives for the integral productivity of rural Colombian territories. In order to strengthen the social and cultural fabric of the communities, they create meetings from co-creation and participatory design. They have several social projects in the Pacific Coast.

Radio Manglar

Research Seminar on territory and landscape of the Colombian Pacific. Is a collective of architects, designers and artists that have experience in social participatory process in architecture and construction. 
Image gallery
Render of the chapel

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Interior render of the chapel

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Detail of façade

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Exterior Render

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Technical drawings
Constructive Detail

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Plan View

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Plan view 2

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Section view

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Axonometric view

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Façade detail

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Façade detail2

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
Façade detail3

image: Radio Manglar | © all rights reserved
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Where are we now
In this moment the project is looking for the additional funding to be completed. The money collected so far has served for the foundations and concrete structure of the church. To obtain the materials is very expensive as the only way to get them is by boat, the price structural steel associated to the ceiling structure has risen, therefore, the community is looking for funds to cover this item. 
An indication of our team’s capacity:
70% funding already raised
100% expertise already found
70% materials / equipment already found
80% builders already found
Finance: € 1,992
With the additional funding is expected to complete the money to obtain the materials for the ceiling structure, in this way it will be possible to at least have the complete outer part of the building. 
  • Ceiling structure
Stuff: Materials
Structural steel
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