Where are we now
To kick off making our first building, we received a grant from the KDDI foundation in 2020. After being designed and DIYed almost alone by Edgar, co-founder of EDAYA, for a year during the pandemic, in June 2021 along with the slight Covid restriction lifting, he gathered four local craftsmen to join him. So, our first building (head office for the school) is in the final construction stages, aiming to complete in this September. However, we need to develop more structures to fill the whole 17ha spaces we have. For that, we are in the planning stage and need funding. We would like to design the space with locals and outside expertise and build with locals using local materials.
An indication of our team’s capacity:
5% funding already raised
50% expertise already found
50% materials / equipment already found
90% builders already found
Finance: € 3,825
We would like to make this school the first crafts and design degree program in the region. Local craftsmanship has been overlooked for a long time, but we think that wisdom from the past should be livelily appreciated in the present and pass on to the next generation.
For that, we aim to start making two more multipurpose buildings by the end of 2021. We have not raised any funds for these buildings. We are welcome to co-design the buildings together with outside experts. Using local materials and collaborating with the local community of Twin Peaks and artist communities of Northern Luzon, we would like to develop unique creative spaces appropriate for the purpose of the school.
*For funding, we state 1 months budget to complete the first building.
- Salary of craftsman (5 people for a month)
| 2,125 |
- Materials (for a month with 5 workers)
| 1,700 |
Skills: Design, PR & Marketing, Financial advice
As mentioned above, we would like to facilitate the collaboration among EDAYA, local artists, and outside experts to build two multipurpose buildings. Since we are in the planning stage, we would like to gather as many ideas as possible.
For our first building designed and handcrafted by Edgar, we added creativity by making buildings on the top of the rock, using local bamboos and woods for the interior, etc. He also built the bamboo bridge which connects the building and the road. It was inevitable to work alone due to the pandemic, but for the next buildings and beyond, we would like to collaborate more with the community and outside experts by carefully observing the situation of the pandemic.
Also, since we do not have experts in making architectural drawings, we would like to ask a help in documenting the process and final structure in a way others can understand. Locals have knowledge by experiences but we think those should be documented.
Stuff: Equipment & tools
In the Philippines, we have limited equipment and tools, which makes the process of building unnecessarily hard.
Especially, we would love to welcome the international students to help to build together. We have been coordinating cultural exchange/education programs for a decade and are always happy to see locals and international people exchange ideas and learn from each other.